Two years after Montpellier, we are pleased to organize the 2nd “Journées RMN grand SUD” that will be held June 11th and 12th 2018 in Toulouse. These “Journées RMN grand SUD” are an extension of previously organized NMR meetings between the Lyon and Grenoble laboratories.
This meeting is opened to scientists from public and private laboratories of southern France, which are interested in NMR, its applications and recent methodological developments.
It will be an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas in a relaxed and positive atmosphere.
The registration is free, but for practical reasons, online registration is requested to attend the meeting and to submit abstracts.
Dead line to submit abstracts: 15/05/2018
Still time to register !!! Dead line for registration postponed to: 07/06/2018
Download the program (PDF file)
The meeting will be organized as follows:
- Monday 11th June 2018 : Opening session at Hôtel D’Assézat in the historic district of Toulouse.
- The organizing committee will have the pleasure to welcome you into the historical “Hôtel D’Assézat” starting from 17h00. During the registration, a guided tour of the “Fondation Bemberg” art collection will be proposed.
- 19h00: Plenary conference by Professor Vadim Cherezov, Bridge@USC, University of Southern California, “G-protein coupled receptors structural biology”
- Tuesday 12th June 2018 9h00 to 17h00:
Journée RMN grand SUD, amphi Gallais CNRS campus of IPBS and LCC, 205 rte de Narbonne, Toulouse.
The meeting will consist of 7 invited talks (25 min) and of 6-8 oral communications (15min) selected within the submitted abstracts by the scientific committee. A poster session will be held during lunchtime. The talks will be centered on NMR applications and methodology. We will try to cover a broad spectrum of methods and scientific fields, and to make the talks accessible and interesting for all the participants.